Jeremiah's School of Levitation
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Gearing Up for Mother's Day
Top 7 things my Mom Used to Say
7. Use your head for more than a hat.
Self explanatory.
6. You're getting on my nerves.
She would say this whenever I was starting to annoy her, which was on a daily basis. This somewhat common saying sticks in my head because I remember thinking that, somehow, her nerves were strewn through the carpet and that I had found one of them and was standing right on it.
5. I'm going to go see a man about a horse.
She would say this everytime I asked her where she was going and she didn't want me to know where she was going. I still use that one.
4. What are you doing in there, counting hair?
What she would say if I took a long time in the bathroom. It never failed to solicit an "AW, Mom!" from me.
3. Oh no, I better slow down. There go The Boys.
She would say this whenever she was driving and she saw the cops.
2. Look at that. He needs to be on a BIKE.
She would say that whenever she saw an overweight person on a motorcycle. That still echoes in my head.
1. Okay, jar the floor!
She would say this to wake me up on every school morning if I was still in bed when she woke up. Up until about 10 years ago, I thought she had been saying "Okay, jolly flo!", which is what her Southern accent made "jar the floor" sound like. Back then, I never bothered to ask her what the heck she was saying because I figured "jolly flo" was just something that people used to say back in The Olden Days. In honor of that precious misunderstanding of mine, I've given the name "Jolly Flo" to all my beloved Apple computer products, including my iPod, and will continue to do so for the rest of my life.
Damn, do I love my mother.
Elliot, 6:15 AM
4 Back at me:
cry in one hand and want in the other and see which one gets full the fastest...
one of my dad's oldies but goodies...
to the question of where are we going?...
crazy! :)))
one of my dad's oldies but goodies...
to the question of where are we going?...
crazy! :)))
gfI DO so love my Mum too!
This is very sweet! My mom always said, "Wait til your dad gets home!", which I've never used on my kids (yet). But I HAVE used her patented "Because I said so!"
"Jolly Flo" was what we teen girls called our periods. That and 'George' for no apparent reason.
"Jolly Flo" was what we teen girls called our periods. That and 'George' for no apparent reason.
I love #7.
I always thought, "I'm going to see a man about a horse" was a phrase men used instead of "I have to pee." ???
I miss my Mum.
I always thought, "I'm going to see a man about a horse" was a phrase men used instead of "I have to pee." ???
I miss my Mum.