Jeremiah's School of Levitation


Thursday, August 03, 2006

(Confessional) So, yeah...

...I had put up a mean old post about Mel Gibson and decided that it went against the principle of this blog, which is levity (though, I did write that post about the murder of my sons' school librarian, but that was an exception in that such people as her and her daughter, both light-hearted, angelic souls, need to be mentioned so that people know how beautiful and positive they were--the horror that happened to them is therefore distantly secondary to the lives they led). So, I nixed the Mel rant (though, if you want to read it, I'll email it to you).

I am always irrationally angry when racism gurgles to the top of our society, again (you should have seen me unleash on Rush Limbaugh when he made the "black quarterback" comment--I was even mad at the ESPN commentators who didn't jump on that comment right away and start flailing at the fat sweaty racist). So, I get that way.

In short, Mel should either get so repentant that he's practically going door to door apologizing, or, as I mentioned in the dead post, he should at least hook up with respectable racists, the ones who know when to shut up and, instead, use legislation, clandestine job discrimination, and "rules of exclusivity" to achieve their means, without actually having to say stupid shit in public. I wish we could eradicate those too, but, be real--they exist, even on our ballots, in our schools, etc.

Whoops. Levity. Say, how many racists does it take to screw in a light bulb...? Actually, they don't need a light bulb--they can screw themselves.
Elliot, 12:33 PM

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