Jeremiah's School of Levitation


Monday, November 13, 2006

Today's Agenda: Daydream for Five Minutes

You know what I want? I want a week where I don't need to be anywhere, where no one is expecting me to do anything, where when I wake up and when I go to bed have no bearing on anything except the pillow. I don’t want the phone to be for me, I don't want to care what time it is, or how long I've been in the bathroom, or when the deadline is. I want a week where no one interrupts me. I want to sit down and not have to get up until I decide it's time to get up. I want to forget to zip up my pants and not remember for hours and when I do remember, it won't matter because I haven't been out in public anyway. In fact, I probably never even put my pants on in the first place. I want a week where the room can get as cold or as hot as I want it to get, and where I can take my shoes off in the tub if I want to. I want a week where I can forget something at home and then take as long as I need to go back to get it without worrying about missing some form of transportation, or missing my place in line, or having to explain it to anyone. I want to say something really stupid and then get to laugh at myself because no one heard it anyway. I want to see what it's like to hang around in a bookstore all day and talk to strangers. I want to sit down with a bottle of wine (or two) and watch all the episodes of Sanford and Son, back to back. I want to fall asleep on the stairs and I want to leave my dishes in the sink. I want to leave every light on in the house!

Just a week! One week! Then I'll come back to work, I'll slip back into my life, and I'll look perfectly normal except for this gigantic grin on my face that you'll swear is one step from psychotic, and you will be right, except it won't be the bad psychosis. It'll be the one that makes you laugh because you've realized that your socks actually TICKLE, that eyeglasses are really funny, and that "toenail" and "pants" are hilarious words and that if you put them together to read "toenail pants" they multiply themselves with funniness, and you also realize that not enough people use the word "funniness" with enough-ity.

All it would take would be a week where I could stand in the middle of the floor for an hour and not have to move. I've got to schedule one of those weeks. I'll make that a to-do item, and block a meeting, and check dependencies and deliverables. I've got to see to contingencies and make sure that all is covered, going forward, and I need to see that I've examined all sides of the issue before I ship my decision and, it needs to go through testing and verification phases before I can finalize it, and then, and only then, can I enjoy it. I think the market can support a free week for Jeremiah, so, let's move to phase two! Adjourned! Grab a donut on the way out!
Elliot, 10:49 AM

4 Back at me:

Here here!

I want to get up and have no one need anything from me. No crumbs to clean and to just sit in a chair and look out a window and think without suspicion of insanity. Even if I am insane.
Blogger Lynnea, at 5:53 AM  
me too. And where no one, including me, has to be driven anywhere or made meals for. And I can have cookies for dinner if i want.
Blogger meno, at 10:06 AM  
As the Donut Rep for the Pacific NW, I would say, Go for it!
Blogger Jenn, at 7:10 PM  
I would suggest that you go for it and go to a remote location and rent a small cottage and let us know how it really went(be honnest pls)
Blogger Raj, at 9:59 PM  

Say sump-tun